IOBytes | A truly distributed I/O system Mil Spec H-250 USB Handset | TEC Devices

Mil Spec H-250 USB Handset


Rugged USB H-250 Handset with PTT

SKU: H250-USB-MS Category:


The H250-USB-MS is a MIL-STD-810 H-250 handset with integrated plug and play USB sound card. This handset can be used as a microphone and speaker with all PC based VoIP DMR (Digital Mobile Radio) Walkie Talkie apps such as Zello, Voxer, TRBOnet, WAVE and iaxRpt. The H250-USB-MS handset also has zero-latency sidetone which is the sound of a user’s voice in his/her own handset. Typically, when speaking into a microphone with a real radio in the field, a user hears sidetone. This makes communicating comfortable and allows the user to speak in a natural voice.

In addition the H250-USB-MS handset has a PTT (push to talk) button that can be read as a HID device. Included with the H250-USB-MS is button mapping software that can be used to map the PTT button to any keyboard key and also operates the zero-latency sidetone.

The H250-USB-MS is ideal for simulating military radios or operating radio dispatching software.

Additional information

Weight 8 oz
Dimensions 6 × 4 × 2 in

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