SimSound is a communication simulation system that was designed to meet the requirements of a commercial flight simulator. SimSound uses TEC’s developed COTS sound devices to provide a solution that is cutting edge, low maintenance and guaranteed availability for many years. The SimSound Communication portion employs Windows DirectSound with TEC’s own USB Audio Mixer Unit(AMU-8E). Our Audio Mixer Unit is a USB audio 4×6 mixer intercom with 6 unique audio output channels and 2 audio input channels which can mix in any combination of microphones and inject unique sound in every headset. SimSound makes use of our Audio Mixer Unit’s ability to directly interface the aircraft headsets greatly simplifying wiring. The communication system also uses synthetic and non-synthetic sounds to recreate the DME, ADF, VOR, ILS, and EGPWS tones. This allows the use of aircraft supplied sound files for voice or other sounds which are difficult to reproduce synthetically.
The software that is in SimSound comm. is a generic DME, ADF, VOR, ILS and ICS capable model. The hardware portion of the SimSound system is based on a high-speed DSP which allows the record and playback of multiple inputs on multiple channels (up to 6). This feature is what provides the basic functionality of simulator’s Intercommunications system which is the most demanding in terms of speed and DSP usage. The SimSound allows the playing of synthetic or non-synthetic sounds on any of the channels which allows for the Morse code IDENT to be sent to the appropriate channel based on the simulator radio head settings. There is also an option to stream the audio inputs to disk for record and playback to enable the instructor to save lessons for future reference.